
Our Family

As has been stated before we are a group of re-enactors from Germany and Scotland who aim to follow in the footsteps of Walter Scott ,1st Earl of Buccleuch, who in 1627 raised one hundred volunteers and sailed for the war in the Netherlands. Our primary purpose is to create a visual interpretation of the actual historical regiment raised by the Duke of Buccleuch.

However, we are more than that, we are close knit group of friends of all walks of life as well asoriginating in various countries; we can now say we have German, Scots, Irish, English, Swiss and Austrians within our numbers. And we are proud to consider ourselves as a family of friends.

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Above is a collage of the family that made it to Grolle in 2019; but we were missing a few of what we call our veterans, who had travelled with us before. But there absence was toasted and we hope to see them back in future campaigns.

Below are a couple of gifts of friendship between our members...

Friendship HeraldryFriendship Stone

About Our Colours

2015 Colour

1st Buccleuch colour
For the 1st campaign in 2015 of the reformed Buccleuch Regiment we needed a colour. Through some research we found a colour which is in the army museum in Stockholm we found a Scots Colour which was captured from a Scottish Regiment (raised by Scottish merchants in Poland) in the service of Sigismund III Polish-Lithuanian army by the Swedes under Gustav Adolphus II in 1626 in Poland Prussia

2015 Colour


2nd Buccleuch colour
In 2016 we contacted the national military museum in Soest Netherlands. We were informed that they had a piece of a Scots colour from around 1600 – and used this as our guide to produce our own standard. After some further correspondence with a 16th/17th century specialist from the museum we came up with a design for the Buccleuch regiment colour. We took as the basis the background design of the Scots colour from the museum (waves 16th cent Dutch colour shades) and added a saltire in turquoise and also charges based on the Buccleuch 16th century banner. To add a touch of living history to the event, the Duke Richard, 10 th Duke of Buccleuch, was asked to present our new Buccleuch Regiment colour in 2017 – which His Grace kindly agreed to. This presentation took place at Bowhill House on 16 Oct, where His Grace wished the regiment a bon voyage and good luck in their forthcoming campaign at Grolle 5 days later

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Also for Grolle 2017, as we had grown, we decided we need some form of favour, especially to distinguish us from the many other 'Scots' re-enactors - discovering in 2015 how common the blue bonnet was we chose to go with our own distinct cockade, which all members of Buccleuch's now wear on their bonnets with pride.


2022 Buccleuch Regiment, taken by Tilly. Buccleuch's at Grolle 2022

2019 Buccleuch Regiment, taken by Tilly after the first day of battling. Buccleuch's at Grolle 2019Below is the group picture of the members that made it to Grolle in 2017. example graphicBelow our first ever Grolle 2015 with our Swiss gun guard, the year Grolsch brewery celebrated their 400th year anniversary in the town.... 2015 Grolle group

The Continental Contingent of Buccleuch has its headquarters in the mountain town of Landau / Waldeck in the center of Germany, where the first flag of the regiment is preserved. The department consists of friends from all over Germany, Switzerland and Austria. example graphic example graphic