
Welcome to the Buccleuch Regiment

Following in the footsteps of Walter Scott, 1st Earl of Buccleuch, 2nd Baron Scott of Buccleuch (1590 – 1633), who in 1626 raised one hundred volunteers and sailed for Holland...

Our colours

This is the online presence of the Buccleuch Regiment of the Dutch-Scots Brigade, we are a 17th Century re-enactment group made up of experienced re-enactors from Scotland, Ireland, England, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, our primary purpose is to create a visual interpretation of the actual historical regiment raised by the 1st Earl of Buccleuch in the 17th century for service on the continent, in the Dutch Wars of Independance.


Buccleuch's at Grolle 2022

2022 Buccleuch Regiment, taken by Tilly.